The Sunseeker London Group would like to introduce the Charity Organisation ‘ONE’, founded in 2019 by former Sunseeker Germany Salesman Jan Diedrich and his wife Ai Miyagi.
In 2016 Jan started on a bicycle journey taking him from Germany through 47 countries all the way to India. After being on the road for almost two years it has “changed his idea about life”, and he decided he wanted to give back some of the love and support he had received on his journey. Near Kolkata in India he found what he calls “the right worthy place”. An orphanage for children from disadvantaged backgrounds, who were planning to build a school for the children and all children from the surrounding villages. Involving himself in this project meant longer stays to help on site in 2018 and 2019. Jan and his wife, the Japanese singer Ai Miyagi, are since doing charity speeches and concerts to collect funds for the completion of the new school.
Today, December 2020, the construction of the first floor has been completed with last final steps on the interior and outside play area. Once the current Covid-19 lockdown in Bongaon has been lifted, the new school will open its doors to hundreds of children in the village. As soon as the necessary funds are available, they will plan for the second floor to be constructed.

When Jan left Sunseeker in 2014, he was gifted with an original painting of the Sunseeker 54 Predator “Paint It Blue”. This year before leaving for his new venture in Japan, Jan recently gave the painting to Sunseeker Ibiza for safe keeping. This painting was shown, by Sunseeker Ibiza’s Sales Director, Denis Bosmans, to the owner of “Paint It Blue” who happened to be boating in Ibiza. The two got into talks about the amazing artwork and where it had come from, leading to a deeper conversation of the charity. Our amazing owners felt touched by the work Jan and Ai were doing and decided to generously donate €600.00 to ‘ONE’.

Until now, ‘ONE’ has received €9,000.00 which has 100% been invested into the project. We hope this is only the beginning of our Sunseeker family getting involved in this fantastic project.

Jan Diedrich, founder of the ‘ONE’ Charity, explains “With our small Charity Organisation ‘ONE’ we are able to support the construction of the school for the children in Bongaon, India. We were inspired by the great personal achievements of the local priest, Father Anthony Rodrick and his companions, who had already built an orphanage for disadvantaged children, where today up to 30 children are living and studying at. With the opening of the school we are able to help grant a better future to these children. The area of Kolkata is a very poor part of India and by sustainably providing care and education to as many children as possible, we want to prevent them from a future that would otherwise be likely to end up in child labour, enslavement or child marriage.

Even a small donation can go a long way and make a huge difference for these children. ‘ONE’ does not deduct any administrative costs, the collected contributions are being paid out to the construction process in full and directly. We also have initiated a volunteer program which we would love for you to be a part of, enabling you to visit and to get involved on site. Please do not hesitate in contacting us for more information regarding the project or steps on how to donate.”
For further details about the school and the project please contact Sunseeker Ibiza:
Sunseeker Ibiza | +34 971 315 321 | [email protected]